What’s with all the Avocados?!

So I made a pattern based on avocados. And you might be wondering, “why avocados? Is your millennial heart so drawn to them that you now need to venerate them in art?” And partly yes, but the real reason is that I want to make art accessible to anyone who wants it! And avocados are a common favourite of many.

There is a whole group of people out there that blog or make their own stickers with Cricut machines and a lot of them have all the creativity you can ask for but their drawing skills are maybe a little less practised.

So this is who this pattern is for, people who want to create pretty things with their own hands and minds.

I’m really curious to see how people will use this pattern and clip art. If you end up creating something with it please send me a photo!

Though the final artwork was created in Affinity Designer, a vector drawing app, I did the initial sketching, line work and figuring out colours in Procreate. There is a short video below that shows the process.

My sketchy line art mixed with the solid colour of the gradients creates a nice effect. Bright but still with the feeling that a human person made this.

There are a few avocado shapes that reflected the types of fruit that exist in the real world so one is tall and a little pointy another is short and cute and the third is somewhere in the middle.

Let me know what you think and check out these avocados on my Etsy shop.


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